Thursday, October 3, 2019
Review of Maintaining Reproductive Health
Review of Maintaining Reproductive Health Researchers almost nerve conduct a study in an intellectual vaccum. Literature reviews can serve a number of important functions in the research process. Researchers undertake a literature review to familiarize themselves with the knowledge base. A thorough literature review helps to lay the foundation for a study, and can inspires new research ideas. Review of literature is defined as a broad, comprehensive in depth, systemic and crucial review of scholarly publication, unpublished scholarly print materials, audio visual material and personal communication. Review of literature is arranged under the following headings. Review related to reproductive health. Review related to menstrual hygiene. Review related to sexual behavior and sex education. Review related to sexually transmitted disease and AIDS. Review related to usage of contraceptives. Review related to reproductive health Neelam mann., (2010) conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of a structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding puberty among pre adolescent girls in Vijaya English school at Hassan, In that study shows percentage of knowledge in each aspect puberty such as anatomy and physiology, characteristics of puberty, menstrual hygiene and sexually transmitted dieases, before planned teaching programme. Preadolescent girls are having below average knowledge on all aspects except menstrual hygiene. Over all knowledge score shows girls are having only 33.52% of knowledge before the administration of planned teaching programme. Post test knowledge on different aspects of puberty after the planned teaching program, on an average adolescent girls increased 80.71% regarding puberty. Jyoti vinod., (2008) conducted a study to assess the effect of planned teaching programme on knowledge, attitude and practice of adolescents in relation to the reproductive health in selected shelter homes in Mumbai, among a population of 60 adolescents in that 30 boys and 30 girls who were selected by convenient sampling technique and data were collected by self reporting technique. Findings shows that pretest knowledge score is 63% and post test score is 91% with regard to knowledge changed in the adolescence was markedly increase in boys and girls from 23% and 19% to 70% and 83% respectively. So it shows the effectiveness of the teaching programme on reproductive health. Jeyashri.G.Itti., (2007) conducted a study that to evaluate the effect of planned teaching programme on selected aspects of reproductive health among the rural adolescents girls. In the pre test 69.77% of the subjects had poor knowledge, where as post test scores showed that 96.5% of subjects had good knowledge. This result related to the post test knowledge (mean 34.35) scores showed that the adolescent girls had a significantly higher score on reproductive health than the pre test (mean 21.81). The t value of 31.30 was significant at 0.001 level of significance and the investigator concluded overall pre test knowledge about reproductive health was poor, there was need planned teaching programme, post test result showed significant improvement in knowledge of reproductive health. Zulkitli., (2000) conducted a study to assess the determinants of sexual intercourse among unmarried adolescents on sexual practices in Malaysia. Overall results shows that the propotion of unmarried adolescents who have sexual intercourse is about 13% boys, (18.8%) are more likely to be sexuality experienced than girls (7.11%) by religion, Buddhist reported last experienced (6%) followed by Muslims (12%) and others (21%) for the more, 72% of adolescent engages in sex without considering the use of contraceptives. So through this study the researcher concluded that adolescents need sex education during school period as early as possible. Corresponding Author InformationAddress reprint requests to Heather Becker, PhD, School of Nursing, The University of Texas at Austin, 1700 Red River Street, Austin, TX 78701. Review related to menstrual hygiene. Punitha., (2010) conducted study to assess the practice and problem in using pad or cloth during menstruation among the blind children. Research design used for the study was comparative-correlation survey. Sample size for the study was 50 blind children who used pad during menstruation and 50 blind children who used cloth during menstruation. Structure interview questionnaire used for validate the responses. In that there was a significant negative correlation between practice and problem of using cloth during menstruation r = -0.139 (p
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