
Sunday, February 17, 2019

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Essay -- essays research papers

One of the more significant or essential concepts in my opinion is communication. Communication, the exchange of info is a key concept because when information is shared in a constructive manner there is an opportunity for understanding and even acceptance in most cases. Communication develops a sense of trust and portrays a gesture of sensitivity which usually results in a more irresponsible reaction and cooperation. Open communication is curiously important when transition is involved. Communication will enable a even transition because all will be aware of the changes taking set out and with some explanation may welcome the change due to the greater understanding the communication may have provided. When an governing withholds information it creates massacre and mistrust amongst the members of that organization. Communication may not always be ban it is just as important to communicate when the information is that of a positive nature.Organizational effectiveness and eff iciency relies on each member of the organizations participation or contribution. An organization must identify what their goals and system are and recognize what their strengths and weakness are. They must improve their methods and practices to greater their strengths and estimate the areas or factors that are preventing or weakening their productivity and overall fortify and restructure or eliminate to achieve the organizations goals. This is one area where organisational learning...

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